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14 March 2023

Post-operative rehabilitation at Home/ Rehabilitation after surgery

Post-operative rehabilitation.

Surgical procedures are often associated with pain, limited mobility and muscle weakness. Adequate convalescence - which consists of, among other things, treatment and physiotherapy - is key to eliminating the undesirable effects of surgery and gaining mobility.

Post-operative rehabilitation is a physiotherapeutic procedure aimed at getting the patient back to physical activity as quickly and effectively as possible, with maximum safety in therapy.


Post-operative rehabilitation consists of activities that aim to:

● reduce pain, spasms, swelling and inflammation,

● prevent muscular atrophy,

● minimise the risk of thrombosis,

● prevent scar tissue overgrowth,

● accelerate tissue adhesion,

● increase deep sensation,

● improve the range and quality of movement,

● strengthen and stabilise muscles and joints,

● improve the sense of balance and posture,

● educate the patient e.g. in the area of correct movement habits and appropriate ways of performing daily activities.



1. L. Maxey, J. Magnussion. Postoperative Rehabilitation orthopädischer Patienten. MedStoreKRK.

2.  Brent Brotzman S., Wilk K.E. Orthopädische Rehabilitation. Tom 2. Elsevier Urban & Partner.










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